32 research outputs found

    EEG Based Emotion Monitoring Using Wavelet and Learning Vector Quantization

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    Emotional identification is necessary for example in Brain Computer Interface (BCI) application and when emotional therapy and medical rehabilitation take place. Some emotional states can be characterized in the frequency of EEG signal, such excited, relax and sad. The signal extracted in certain frequency useful to distinguish the three emotional state. The classification of the EEG signal in real time depends on extraction methods to increase class distinction, and identification methods with fast computing. This paper proposed human emotion monitoring in real time using Wavelet and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). The process was done before the machine learning using training data from the 10 subjects, 10 trial, 3 classes and 16 segments (equal to 480 sets of data). Each data set processed in 10 seconds and extracted into Alpha, Beta, and Theta waves using Wavelet. Then they become input for the identification system using LVQ three emotional state that is excited, relax, and sad. The results showed that by using wavelet we can improve the accuracy of 72% to 87% and number of training data variation increased the accuracy. The system was integrated with wireless EEG to monitor emotion state in real time with change each 10 seconds. It takes 0.44 second, was not significant toward 10 seconds

    Classification of Motor Imagery and Synchronization of Post-Stroke Patient EEG Signal

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    Stroke attacks often cause disability, so the need for rehabilitation to restore patient's motor skills. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an instrument that can capture electrical activity in the brain. Some post-stroke patients have brain electrical dysfunction so that EEG signal can achieve such as amplitude decrease, and wave differences from symmetric channels. However, EEG signal analysis is not easy because it has high complexity and small amplitude. However, information from EEG signals is beneficial, including for stroke identification. This study proposes the identification of EEG signals from post-stroke patients using wavelet extraction and Backpropagation Levernberg-Marquardt. EEG signals are recorded, extracted imagery motor variables, and synchronization of symmetric channels. The results of the study provide that the accuracy for identifying post-stroke EEG signals is 100% for training data and 79.69 % for new data. Research also shows that the use of learning rates affects accuracy. The smaller the learning rate provided accuracy is better. However, it had consequences for computing time so that the optimal learning rate is 0.0001

    Speaker and Speech Recognition Using Hierarchy Support Vector Machine and Backpropagation

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    Voice signal processing has been proposed to improve effectiveness and facilitate the public, such as Smart Home. This study aims a smart home simulation model to move doors, TVs, and lights from voice instructions. Sound signals are processed using Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) to perform feature extraction. Then, the voice is recognized by the speaker using a hierarchy Support Vector Machine (SVM). So that unregistered speakers are not processed or are declared not having access rights. For the process of recognizing spoken words such as "Open the Door”,"Close the Door","Turn on the TV","Turn off the TV","Turn on the Lights" and "Turn Offthe Lights" are done using Backpropagation. The results showed that hierarchy SVM provided an accuracy of 71% compared to the single SVM of 45%

    Brain-computer interface of focus and motor imagery using wavelet and recurrent neural networks

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    Brain-computer interface is a technology that allows operating a device without involving muscles and sound, but directly from the brain through the processed electrical signals. The technology works by capturing electrical or magnetic signals from the brain, which are then processed to obtain information contained therein. Usually, BCI uses information from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals based on various variables reviewed. This study proposed BCI to move external devices such as a drone simulator based on EEG signal information. From the EEG signal was extracted to get motor imagery (MI) and focus variable using wavelet. Then, they were classified by recurrent neural networks (RNN). In overcoming the problem of vanishing memory from RNN, was used long short-term memory (LSTM). The results showed that BCI used wavelet, and RNN can drive external devices of non-training data with an accuracy of 79.6%. The experiment gave AdaDelta model is better than the Adam model in terms of accuracy and value losses. Whereas in computational learning time, Adam's model is faster than AdaDelta's model

    Precipitation prediction using recurrent neural networks and long short-term memory

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    Prediction of meteorological variables such as precipitation, temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation is beneficial for human life. The variable observations data is available from time to time for more than thirty years, scattered each observation station makes the opportunity to map patterns into predictions. However, the complexity of weather variables is very high, one of which is influenced by Decadal phenomena such as El-Nino Southern Oscillation and IOD. Weather predictions can be reviewed for the duration, prediction variables, and observation stations. This research proposed precipitation prediction using recurrent neural networks and long short-term memory. Experiments were carried out using the prediction duration factor, the period as a feature and the amount of data set used, and the optimization model. The results showed that the time-lapse as a shorter feature gives good accuracy. Also, the duration of weekly predictions provides more accuracy than monthly, which is 85.71% compared to 83.33% of the validation data

    Identifikasi dan Klasifikasi Sinyal EEG terhadap Rangsangan Suara dengan Ekstraksi Wavelet dan Spektral Daya

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    In this research the development of identification and classification technique of three wave components of EEG signal, named alpha, beta and theta, is considered. The technique is combination of wavelet transform and power spectral analysis. Wavelet transform was used to extract the wave components so it reduces the data without loss of the information. The wavelet transform also reduces the aspects of non-stationary of the EEG signal. The EEG's wave classification was based on the appearance of the wave, synchronization between symmetric hemispheres, and the wave energy dominance, in its frequency region. The EEG signals used in this research were obtained from 5 individually-independent subjects after 2.5 minutes sound stimulation. 10 sounds of music and 2 natural sounds were used as sound stimulation in this research. Then, 16 channels of EEG signals, obtained from every individual subject after a sound stimulation, were analyzed. The technique shows that the sound stimulation increases the appearance of the alpha wave by 75% and decreases beta and theta waves by 48% and 56%, respectively. Furthermore, the sound stimulations were used in the research to increase the synchronization balance between symmetric channels by 75%. In addition, this research shows that the signal extraction using wavelet packet provided small deviation and reduced non-stationary aspects, so that it improves the power spectral analysis used in the technique

    Spoken Word Recognition Using MFCC and Learning Vector Quantization

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    Identification of spoken word(s) can be used to control external device. This research was result word identification in speech using Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). The output of system operated the computer in certain genre song appropriate with the identified word. Identification was divided into three classes contain words such as "Klasik", "Dangdut" and "Pop", which are used to playing three types of accordingly songs. The voice signal is extracted by using MFCC and then identified using LVQ. The training and test set were obtained from six subjects and 10 times trial of the words "Klasik", "Dangdut" and "Pop" separately. Then the recorded sound signal is pre-processed using Histogram Equalization, DC Removal and Pre-emphasize to reduce noise from the sound signal, and then extracted using MFCC. The frequency spectrum generated from MFCC was identified using LVQ after passing through the training process first. Accuracy of the testing results is 92% for identification of training sets while testing new data recorded using different SNR obtained an accuracy of 46%. However, the test results of new data recorded using the same SNR with training data has an accuracy of 75.5%

    Emotion and Attention of Neuromarketing Using Wavelet and Recurrent Neural Networks

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    One method concerning evaluating video ads is neuromarketing. This information comes from the viewer's mind, thus minimizing subjectivity. Besides, neuromarketing can overcome the difficulties of respondents who sometimes do not know the response to the video ads they watch. Neuromarketing is based on neuropsychology, which is sourced from the human brain through electrical activity signals recorded by Electroencephalogram. Usually, Neuropsychology consists of emotions, attention, and concentration. This research proposed the Wavelet method and Recurrent Neural Networks to measure the emotional and attention variable of neuropsychology in real-time every two seconds while watching video ads. The results showed that Wavelet and Recurrent Neural Networks could provide training data accuracy of 100% and 89.73% for new data. The experiment also gave that the RMSprop optimization model for the weight correction contributed to higher correctness of 1.34% than the Adam model. Meanwhile, using Wavelet for extraction can increase accuracy by 4%

    Significant variables extraction of post-stroke EEG signal using wavelet and SOM kohonen

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    Stroke patients require a long recovery. One success of the treatment given is the evaluation and monitoring during recovery. One device for monitoring the development of post-stroke patients is Electroencephalogram (EEG). This research proposed a method for extracting variables of EEG signals for post-stroke patient analysis using Wavelet and Self-Organizing Map Kohonen clustering. EEG signal was extracted by Wavelet to obtain Alpha, beta, theta, gamma, and Mu waves. These waves, the amplitude and asymmetric of the symmetric channel pairs are features in Self Organizing Map Kohonen Clustering. Clustering results were compared with actual clusters of post-stroke and no-stroke subjects to extract significant variable. These results showed that the configuration of Alpha, Beta, and Mu waves, amplitude together with the difference between the variable of symmetric channel pairs are significant in the analysis of post-stroke patients. The results gave using symmetric channel pairs provided 54-74% accuracy

    Detection of EEG Signal Post-Stroke Using FFT and Convolutional Neural Network

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    Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted or reduced. It may be caused by a blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke) so that it can cause disability. Therefore patients need to undergo rehabilitation. One of the procedures of monitoring of the recovery of stroke patients using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) method, but sometimes subjectively. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an instrument that can measure electrical activity in the brain, including abnormalities caused by stroke. This study investigates EEG signal detection in post-stroke patients using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and 1D Convolutional Neural Network (1D CNN). Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) extraction can increase accuracy from 60% to 80.3% from the use of Adam's optimization model. Meanwhile, the AdaDelta model gave 20% accuracy without FFT. And its condition increased to 79.9% with FFT extraction. Therefore, Adam's stability has the advantage of remembering to use hyper-parameter. On the other hand, FFT is beneficial for directing information used for the use of 1D CNN, thus increasing accuracy. The results showed that using of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in identification could increase accuracy by 45-80% compared to identification using only 1D CNN. Meanwhile, the results of the study show that the relative weight correction model using Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) provided higher accuracy compared to the Adaptive learning rate (AdaDelta)